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Frequent small thefts can add up to a lot of money. If you knew that someone was stealing from the department, what would you do?

Макулатура , как вторичное сырье, на сегодняшний день представлена всевозможными бумажно-картонными отходами, изделиями из бумаги у которых вышел срок эксплуатации, и естественно, отходы производства.

Do you know of anyone who might be stealing or taking unfair advantage of the department?

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Suppose someone who works in the department decided to steal or commit fraud. How could he or she do it and get away with it?

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In your opinion, who is beyond suspicion when it comes to committing fraud in the department?

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Has anyone asked you to commit an improper, illegal, or unprofessional act(s), or a breach or circumvention of a policy, procedure, or practice? If so, please provide details.

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Have you witnessed an improper, illegal, or unprofessional act(s), or a breach or circumvention (by-passing) of a policy, procedure, or practice? If so, please provide details.

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Are there any areas where you believe controls are not sufficient to catch someone stealing money or other assets in a timely manner? Please explain.

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Do section heads and supervisors demonstrate integrity and honesty in all of their conduct? (Describe examples of such conduct.)

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Has anyone ever threatened you or intimidates you, regarding your disclosure of any potential workplace impropriety? (Describe) Have you reported these incidents and was any action taken?

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Because of your employment position, do you feel pressure not to report anything you feel is not right? If so, can you suggest a method to report your concerns.

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Enterprise Keywords

Created at 2/21/2020 10:32 AM by ***
Last modified at 2/21/2020 10:32 AM by ***