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Guideline Documents
2 MEC Ravi Pillay
Public Infrastructure Procurement: A Primary Catalyst for Radical Economic Inclusiveness
Infrastructure Spend in KZN
Procurement Indaba
B-BBEE Policy Implementation in KZN
To ensure sustainability of this initiative Depts and Public Entities are to capacitate their SCM staff to implement Public Sector Pref. Procurement Targets.
Procurement Declaration
Procurement Indaba DECLARATION
To achieve radical economic transformation through procurement policy reforms with the view to ensure equitable share of opportunities to previously disenfranchised black people (and Africans in particular).
Final Bid Appeals Tribunal Checked
The KZN Procurement Act no. 3 of 2001 was repealed on the 20th December 2005, from which date the KwaZulu-Natal SCM Policy Framework and Treasury Regulations 16A have come into effect in this Province.
Final Delegations Framework Checked
With due consideration of predetermined financial limits, the general standing powers are delegated in order to expedite the process to procure goods and services, the acquisition or disposal of movable and immovable property and the granting of rights
SCM 05 of 2007 Appointment of Consultants
Appointment of Consultants
In general, the procedures described for the acquistion of goods and services apply
SCM 04 of 2007 Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct for SCM Practitioners
In accordance with Treasury Regulations 16A, National Treasury's Code of Conduct for SCM Practitioners must be adhered to by all officials and other role players involved in SCM
Procurement of Reserved Postal Services Circular 1 of 1516
National Treasury Circular no. 1 of 2015/2016
The purpose of this Treasury Circular is to remind AOs and AAs on their obligation to procure reserved postal services of one (1) kilogram and below through SAPO
Procurement of Goods and Services
Pratice Note Number: SCM 03 of 2008
The purpose of this pratice note is to regulate the environment within which AOs and AAs may procure goods and services by means other than through the invitation of competitive bids and to introduce reporting measures related thereto
Postponement Implementation Treasury Intruction
National Treasury Instruction NO. 3A of 2014/2015
The purpose of this Treasury Instruction is to address certain matters of the implementation of National Treasury Instruction no. 3A of dated 15 July 2014 issued in terms of section 76(4) of the PFMA,1999
Policy Cession Policy Awarding Multuple Supplier
Policy on the Cession/ Transfer of Contracts
Due to a large number of contracts being ceded for a variety of reasons, a need has arisen to develop a policy which establishes a framework for the cession of contracts in Provincial Government
National Treasury Instruction 04 of 2015-2016
National Treasury Instrustion
The purpose of this instruction is to prescribe the amended Standard Bidding Document and Municiple Bidding Document to give effect to the new requirements prescribed by the Department of Trade and Industry
National Treasury Instruction 03 of 2015-2016
Invitation and evaluation of Bids based on a stipulated threshold for local production and content
The purpose of this instruction is to regulate the environment within which AOs and AAs may procure valves products and actuators which have been designated as a sector for local production and content
KZN SCM Policy Framework
Supply Chain Management Policy Framework
Promulgation of Regulation 16 A of the Treasury Regulations introduced SCM at national and provincial spheres of Government
Instruction Note no 1 of 2015
Nasional Treasury Instruction Note 1 of 2015/16
Is to prescribe a mandatory advertisement of bids and publication of awards on the eTender Publication Portal to AOs of all departments and constitutional institutions and AAs of public entities lis in Schedule 2 and 3 to the PFMA,1999