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Operation Sikhokha Ngesikhathi


The Provincial Government of KwaZulu-Natal is committed to paying its suppliers within 30 days from receipt of invoice or according to the terms of a contract. Here is guidance on what to do if you experience payment delays by a Provincial Government Department.

Your first port of call regarding payments must be the department that received the goods or services. | Isinyathelo sokuqala mayelana nenkokhelo ebambelelekile kumelwe sibe ukuxhumana nomnyango owenze kuwo umsebenzi noma owathola izimpahla.
Queries regarding payments that have been delayed beyond the prescribed 30 days or terms of a contract must be logged with the PAYMENT QUERIES HELPLINE on 0800 201 049 or emailed to​ A query reference number will be issued for follow up purposes. The query will then be handed over to a dedicated query team for follow-up with the relevant department. | Isikhalo mayelana nenkokhelo esibambezeleke ngaphezu kwezinsuku ezingu-30 noma imigomo yesivumelwano somsebenzi kumelwe sethulwe kwi-PAYMENT QUERIES HELPLINE ku-0800 201 049 noma nge-email ku Isikhalo sakho siyonikezwa inombolo yenkomba ongayisebenzisa ukulandela lesosikhalo. Isikhalo siyobe sesidluliselwa ethimbeni elikhethekile ukuze lisilandele lixhumana nomnyango othintekile.
You will be required to submit the following documents in order to initiate the follow-up: |Kuyodingeka ukuba uthumele lezizinto ezilandelayo ukuze kuqale uphenyo:
  • The copy of the order issued by the department; | Ikhophi ye-oda eyakhishwa uMnyango;
  • Proof of delivery of services or goods; | Isiqinisekiso sokuthi izimpahla zadilivwa noma umsebenzi wenziwa;
  • Copy of the invoice submitted for payment; and | Ikhophi yesicelo senkokhelo esayiswa emnyangweni; kanye
  • Any correspondence with the relevant department. | Nanoma yikuphi ukuxhumana obe nakho nomyango othintekile.
You will receive an update within 7 days outlining the way forward in resolving your query. If there is no dispute, payment will be effected within 21 days of the complaint. If there is a dispute, a meeting will be arranged within 21 days of the complaint between yourself and the Department to agree on the resolution of the dispute. In this case payment will be effected within 21 days from the resolution of the dispute. | Zingakapheli izinsuku ezingu 7 uyothola ukwaziswa okuhlahla indlela mayelana nokuxazululwa kwesikhalo sakho. Uma kungekho mbango ngenkokhelo yakho, inkokhelo iyokwenziwa zingakapheli izinsuku ezingu 21 sitholakele isikhalo sakho. Uma kunombango, kuyohlelwa umhlangano phakathi kwakho nomnyango othintekayo zingakapheli izinsuku ezingu 21 ukuze kuvunyelwane ngesixazululo. Inkokhelo iyokwenziwa zingakapheli izinsuku ezingu 21 kusukela kuxazululwe umbango.
You must: | Kumelwe:
  • Ensure that you are registered as a vendor on the Provincial Suppliers Database; | Qiniseka ukuthi ubhalisile kwi-Provincial Suppliers Database;
  • Get a valid order before servicing the department; | Thola i-oda elisemthethweni ngaphambi kokwenza umsebenzi;
  • Get acknowledgment of receipt of goods or services from the receiving entity; | Thola isiqinisekiso sokwamukelwa komsebenzi noma impahla emnyangweni;
  • Submit original invoice with correct calculations to the finance office; |Faka isicelo sakho senkokhelo ehovisi lezimali lomnyango;
  • Don't wait for cut-off dates before submitting your invoices; and | Faka isicelo sakho senkokhelo ngokushesha, ungalindi izinsuku zokunqamula ukukhokha; futhi
  • Register as an entity on BAS and update any banking information changes. This must be done for each Department that you service.​ |Bhalisa ku-BAS futhi ugcine imininingwane yakho yasebhange iqondile ngasosonke isikhathi. Lokhu kumelwe kwenziwe emnyangweni ngamunye owusebebzelayo.